When a Man Should Not Have Massage

Companion 4 Older Executives | 04 Jan 2022 - 09:52
When a Man Should Not Have Massage

Although massage is generally enormously beneficial and certainly a great pleasure when done well, there are occasions when you should not have it. What are those occasions? 

You should certainly not have massage when you have:
any serious medical condition. It’s best to ask your doctor(s) if they allow it.
a high temperature
an infection or contagious disease
swelling, acute inflammation, bruising
an open wound, recent scar tissue, skin infection, weeping skin condition, broken skin, and also rash
acute back pain, especially if the pain shoots down the arms or legs when you’re massaging the back or neck
undiagnosed lumps
varicose veins, swelling of the veins, proneness to blood clots. Thrombosis can be difficult to recognise because symptoms vary from person to person. Therefore show caution if you feel a vague ache in one leg and go see a doctor.
When you’re in such a rush that you know you wouldn’t be able to enjoy a massage. Quality takes time.
If you have allergies and the masseuse doesn’t ask you whether you have any because she’s lousy or something else in disguise of a masseuse, tell her what you have allergies to. This is important, as she should avoid essential oils that could trigger the allergies.

Other things that may interest you
And if you stumbled across this article and can have massage but don’t know what type of it would be good for you, this article will be handy. I’m qualified in all 8 types described in it.

Why are the benefits of massage far better than artificial sex with strangers who care only about your cash?

And what are the 4 much less obvious benefits of massage?

Also, is it better for you to go to an independent masseuse or a massage clinic or parlour?

Would you like to ask something else? Let’s talk about it.

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