Companion 4 Older Executives
IF YOU ARE AN EXECUTIVE OR PROFESSIONAL MAN OVER 35 who does not look for the classic services that women on these sites offer but an intelligent package that looks after the whole of him and Read more >
IF YOU ARE AN EXECUTIVE OR PROFESSIONAL MAN OVER 35 who does not look for the classic services that women on these sites offer but an intelligent package that looks after the whole of him and leads to a meaningful friendship with discretion, trust, value, and joy that he won't get elsewhere, why should you consider this one?
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Ayurveda has an easily understandable explanation and treatment for common sexual problems in men (and women). And I as a healer by intimacy and eternal student and practitioner of Ayurveda want to let men know about them. I will do so in the alphabetical order of the most common sexual problems that men have in the western countries. Erectile dysfunction How Ayurveda explains erectile dysfunction has its own article since so many men unfortunately have it. Hence I won't repeat myself here as I value your time. A click on the link to the article will take less time than reading more paragraphs here. Impotence Impotence, a man's inability to have or maintain erection, can have several causes. The causes can be emotional, stress, and physical. For example, when a man has high cholesterol, fat and plaque can deposit themselves on the vessels that lead to the penis. The deposits will block the flow of blood to the penis and result in a "penis attack" in which the blood supply is insufficient to erect the penis or keep it erect. Exactly the same principle as with heart attack. One remedy is to massage the pubic area (lower part of the abdomen) and the root of the penis with a few drops of mahanarayana oil. This will improve circulation and may be enough to cure the problem. Or one can apply either bala oil or ashwagandha oil directly to the penis. Massaging above the prostate gland [midway between the scrotum and anus... Read More
If the western world has excellent sanitation, advanced healthcare, and all the food and medicines that one can think of, why can so many men not make their penises rise to the occasion? Surely if the reasons were due to sanitation, healthcare, food, or medicines, every man’s penis would be a rockstar. So how does the first and oldest medical system and science of life explain this paradox? The reason number 1 is stress Really? Really! The downside of the desire for wealth, luxury, success, power, prestige, status, material and social establishment, and women is stress. When one chases these values, one pays in stress. And stress does not make the penis stand. Just think, dear reader, about your emotional disposition. It will highly likely be easy to find stress. Because men who do not feel stress and surf sites on which they find this article are few. Exception proves the rule. The reason number 2 is emotional Stress is an emotion. A man whose penis doesn’t rise is not entirely happy whether he recognises or admits it or not. He usually does admit it when he opens up in coaching. But coaching is unfortunately a rare occasion for men to open the hearts and express emotions. The at least western society forces men not to express emotions! When a man cries, he is weak. Crying is for women. When a man gets emotional, he makes others cringe – or is gay! Emotions are for women and homosexuals. But men are beings with hearts too. So how can you tell a he... Read More