Water for Better Sexual Performance

Companion 4 Older Executives | 27 Oct 2021 - 09:25
Water for Better Sexual Performance

Drinking water will certainly make any man sexier and healthier. Sexual performance and health go hand in hand. But drinking water doesn’t come easily to many men. Why? And what? And how?

Drinking water regularly is important and necessary. 
Yet even this is a thing that many a man of today’s world does incorrectly or completely avoids or omits. Drinking many cups of coffee a day and a glass of wine or beer after dinner really isn’t the right way to hydrate our bodies to keep them healthy. Even though things are gradually improving, the Western society still sets people up to suppress basic biological needs. Many things are somehow more important than satisfying the biological needs. In many workplaces people are so busy that they’re lucky if they get time to use the bathroom once a day. In some professions drinking water or soft drinks in front of customers is still considered prohibited! During a long meeting standing up and stretching the stiff body is not always appropriate.

Thus people have little choice but to gradually get used to suppressing their biological needs. Many therefore gradually interpret them incorrectly or stop noticing them. And many people often think that they’re hungry when they’re thirsty. It would only take a glass of water and the “hunger” would vanish. All this stands against the benefits of a correct drinking regime.

Drinking water? Yuck!
Many people say that drinking water is boring, tasteless, annoying, and causes too many visits to the bathroom for which they don’t have time. Yes, regular cleansing of the urinary tract is an inevitable consequence of regular drinking. Water doesn’t have a taste so attractive that one would develop an addiction to it. But if you want to be healthy – and in many cases slimmer, fitter, more sexually appealing and apt, develop ways to do it instead of excuses. One way is to flavour water with drops of lemon or lime or mint leaves.

Don’t wait for thirst! Thirst appears when the loss of fluids in the body is already formidable. It’s too late. Treat drinking as a medicine – simply force yourself to make it a regular habit, because it works! You’ll see results already after a week – in your energy and on your appearance and skin. If you don’t believe this, try drinking water even less than you do now for a week and watch your energy and appearance decline. Or ask someone who drinks correctly to tell you their experiences!

How much should you drink?
A glass of unflavoured still water every hour. Or flavoured with drops of lemon or lime or mint leaves. If you drink the first glass at 8a.m. and the last at 9p.m., you’ll be perfectly hydrated. This intake of water will speed up the metabolism and the stomach will feel fuller for most of the day. The recommendation of drinking 2 – 3 liters of water a day may be vague to those who don’t have the patience with measuring and numbers. So the system of a glass an hour is also more convenient even for this reason. Of course, you should drink more water in high heat and during sport activity. And in low heat and during low physical activity you’ll want less water. A petit man will need a different intake from a man of 160kg.

Won’t have the opportunity to visit the bathroom for some time?
The body eliminates waste liquids after roughly an hour and a half. If you’re planning an event when you won’t want to run to the bathroom often, drink 1.5 to 2 hours before its beginning,

Signs of dehydration
You may not register them because at first your body temperature will only mildly rise. Gradually and proportionally to the loss of liquids in the body your energy and thus productivity will decline and fatigue will rise. Unfortunately only fatigue. Not feeling of thirst. Many people will cure fatigue with a cup or two of strong coffee. Caffeine drains the kidneys, stimulates urination, hence dehydrates the body. That is why drinking drinks that contain caffeine is not recommended. But if you really must drink coffee, put cardamom seeds in it. Then the coffee won’t have the debilitating effect on the body. And remind yourself that coffee is also none other than a habit…

A man used to drinking very little – if any – water often won’t realize that his problems are connected only to hydration. Even 1% dehydration shows in observably lower productivity, energy, and contentment. This will happen if the body lacks less than a liter of water. Thirst will appear only after the level of dehydration oversteps 2%. Why ruin your day by waiting for that?

Not drinking enough water can cause:
fatigue, dry mouth, headache, dizziness
irritability, lethargy, sluggishness
observable decline in productivity / energy
higher blood pressure, cramps 
feeling morose, grumpy, weak, annoyed
slower reactions.
If you suffer from any of these states, train yourself to firstly think of the fact that they could be connected to thirst. And if you were drinking more water, you’d have less/fewer or none of this/these state(s). If a man drinks a cup of coffee in the morning, several signs of dehydration can already appear before lunch. On hot summer days higher blood pressure + thirst can contribute to causing heart issues. If a man feels irritable an hour after lunch, this may be due to the combination of low blood sugar and dehydration. And explosions of grumpy moods or anger are suddenly easy to explain from a different angle.

Long-term signs of dehydration are less observable.
If you’re used to drinking few liquids, know that low intake of water over the long term

slows down the metabolism
can damage the kidneys and liver
causes kidney stones
worsens the skin, hair, nails
worsens digestion [and causes constipation]
disrupts concentration because you can’t hold pictures in the imagination still. [And yes, most people with learning difficulties are dehydrated.]
alcohol, drugs, nicotine, caffeine, preservatives, E numbers, food colouring, and sugar also dehydrate and deplete you of energy, vitamins, minerals, and libido! Coffee is not recommended to drink in the morning. The best time to drink it if you must is in the afternoon. 
So what will you choose for your next drink? And if you have any health issues, The Light Bringer is here to shed light on them.

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