How Does Ayurveda Explain Erectile Dysfunction?

Companion 4 Older Executives | 02 Aug 2024 - 02:58
How Does Ayurveda Explain Erectile Dysfunction?

If the western world has excellent sanitation, advanced healthcare, and all the food and medicines that one can think of, why can so many men not make their penises rise to the occasion? Surely if the reasons were due to sanitation, healthcare, food, or medicines, every man’s penis would be a rockstar. So how does the first and oldest medical system and science of life explain this paradox?

The reason number 1 is stress

Really? Really! The downside of the desire for wealth, luxury, success, power, prestige, status, material and social establishment, and women is stress. When one chases these values, one pays in stress. And stress does not make the penis stand. Just think, dear reader, about your emotional disposition. It will highly likely be easy to find stress. Because men who do not feel stress and surf sites on which they find this article are few. Exception proves the rule.

The reason number 2 is emotional

Stress is an emotion. A man whose penis doesn’t rise is not entirely happy whether he recognises or admits it or not. He usually does admit it when he opens up in coaching. But coaching is unfortunately a rare occasion for men to open the hearts and express emotions. The at least western society forces men not to express emotions! When a man cries, he is weak. Crying is for women. When a man gets emotional, he makes others cringe – or is gay! Emotions are for women and homosexuals.

But men are beings with hearts too. So how can you tell a heart not to feel? After all, men are also romantic, artistic, dreamers. All these dispositions are emotional. A heart feels the same whether it belong to a man or a woman. So if men are not to express emotions in the world, of course it reflects on their sex. Emotions propel sex as much as physical urges.

The reason number 3 is what and how a man eats and drinks

This may annoy readers who are adamant that they won’t let anyone lecture them on changing their favourite food and drinks. Fine. We all choose our lives every second. Exactly as you chose to read this article for which I thank you and you will hopefully thank yourself one day, so those readers choose whether they want erectile function or dysfunction. If they want function, something has to give. The truth that what and how a man eats and drinks makes the penis rise or not rise stays true nonetheless.

Ayurveda explains how it can help here

I mentioned dhatus in my first article about Ayurveda and sex. The dhatus were irrelevant for the point of that article. But they are at the core of relevance now. If a man eats incompatibly combined foods and drinks drinks that are poor in nutrients, the dhatus will not be nourished. The dhatus are the structural blocks of the body: plasma, blood, muscles, fat, bones, bone marrow, reproductive fluids. The penis is a muscle. Blood circulates through the penis.Reproductive fluids come out of the penis. If one dhatu is not sufficiently nourished, nor will be the successive dhatu.

The dhatus go in the order in which I named them. The order is fixed, not interchangeable. Therefore if we speak of only blood, muscle, and reproductive fluids, we speak of the second, third, and seventh dhatu. A man must eat and drink very healthily if the reproductive fluids are to be of high quality as they are the last dhatu. Hence all the dhatus before the last one must be well nourished in order for the nutrients to get to and nourish the last one. This is a topic that shows that a man’s way of eating and drinking therefore also directly affects sperm count.

But back to the dhatus. If the plasma doesn’t get proper nourishment from food and drinks, nor will the blood, nor will the muscle, therefore the penis won’t have the strength to stand.

And how Ayurveda explains erectile dysfunction by the dosha…

I explained the 3 doshas – physical constitutions – in the article about Ayurveda and sex and won’t repeat myself here. One click will take you to the explanation. So we continue. Vata men have erectile dysfunction the most often. Because they don’t eat well. Vata people do not eat regularly, do not eat at times of the day when the digestive tract is best disposed to process food, and often do not drink enough fluids. A man who eats erratically will inevitably not be properly nourished. So his penis won’t stand.

Vata people are often insecure, full of fear, emotionally unstable. One day they’re dressed, the next day they sing and dance. Emotions power and do not power erections. Emotional dysfunction = erectile dysfunction.

Pitta people have high digestive fire. They usually eat regularly as they cannot be hungry because when they are hungry, they are weak or dizzy. But as their digestive fire is high, they often eat too often, which is the other extreme of vata eating. If people eat too often, toxins form from particles of food that the digestive tract did not have time to digest before the next meal. The toxins then penetrate the plasma, blood, muscle, fat, bones, bone marrow, and reproductive fluids. Pitta people also like alcohol which is serious poison to all the dhatus. And pitta people love living luxurious lifestyles, which has the price of frequent eating, alcohol, and other unhealthy habits.

Besides all that pitta people move the economy. They are the workaholics, they are the executives, academics, and high professionals. These professions generate pressure and stress and we’re back to the first section of this article. When one is stressed, the penis doesn’t stand. And to alleviate the stress many folks drink coffee, alcohol, smoke, etc. Those things also don’t make penises stand.

Kapha people have their own problems. They love to eat and thus often eat even without being hungry. That makes them easily get fat. Obesity does not rise the penile muscle. Obesity makes people want to sit and eat more, hate exercise, be lazy and lethargic. This vicious circle can spiral into depression. So with all these factors it is easy to see how Ayurveda explains kapha people’s erectile dysfunction.

How Ayurveda explains erectile dysfunction

should now make perfect sense. The good thing is that a man can change several of the factors mentioned here easily and free of charge. If you scream that you can’t change them easily, I’m not a coach and holistic companion for nothing. I can gladly help you with my knowledge of NLP and Ayurveda. We can start a conversation.

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