Cultural Differences in Men’s Understanding of Companionship

Companion 4 Older Executives | 27 Jan 2022 - 09:23
Cultural Differences in Men’s Understanding of Companionship

Different folks, different strokes. Those of you who travel a lot or live abroad know this adage well. It applies to every aspect of life. And high end companionship is no exception. How do men from different cultures understand the concept of high end companionship? And how do cultural differences reflect in men’s understanding of high end companionship?

The concept of companionship
as a formalized activity of entertainment hails from the U.S. American men therefore generally understand it as what it is – the company of another person. Whether the company of another person will include intimacy is not the main interest of the American man who seeks company. He wants to spend time with a person with whom he can connect, talk, and do things. And if intimacy happens, it can only be a pleasant bonus. Of course, no man will say no to intimacy if the opportunity arises. But the American man will not protest against paying for companionship without intimacy as long as he feels that he will connect with the person.

Canadian men’s
main interest is generally the same. And since Canada is the USA’s neighbour, it is hardly surprising that the cultural differences are small. Of course, Canada is between the U.S. and Britain, so more and more Canadian men secretly expect that intimacy will be involved. But it still isn’t thei focus in seeking high end companionship. So if intimacy isn’t involved, they generally don’t protest.

Contrastingly, the cultural differences of British men’s understanding of companionship
are marked. British men understand companionship as prostitution. Interestingly, even British born men who have lived abroad – even the USA or Canada – for decades still harbour this understanding. Perhaps they do so as if to reflect loyalties to their country of birth.:) British men place little value on the company of another person. They rather boldly ask first about what sexual services they will get for his money. British men see the value of another person’s company, conversation, and presence for sharing experiences as a waste of money. Why pay a companion when they can do those things with friends? The free interchange of companionship with prostitution is also easy to see in British films. Many films feature prostitutes as leading or important characters.

Men from some other countries of the former British empire
understand high end companionship the same way as British men, but will do their best to mask it.:) India is a good example of these countries.

Scandinavian and Continental men
understand companionship the same way as do British men. They have Germany’s influence on all things sexual to thank for that.:)

Men from the Middle Eastern countries
understand the concept of companionship similarly to British men. But due to their cultures restrictive of everything sexual there’s no wonder that they seek the forbidden fruits of sweet sexual delights in western countries. Isn’t that understandable?

Japanese and Malaysian men
understand companionship similarly to the Americans and Canadians, though with an even greater respect for and interest in their companions. 

Australian men
understand the concept of companionship the same way as the Brits, but add far more of a party spirit. They go into their moments with a companion with the attitude of celebration, not desperation. After all, even prostitution is legal in Australia… So if they don’t make a big deal of prostitution, why should they make a big deal about companionship?

And to complete the trip around the world,
Latinos understand high end companionship more like the Brits, though apply a different kind of party spirit. That of worry-free, pot-smoking relaxation in the sun by the sea with music, drinks, or sensual dance… and intimacy if they can get it.:)

Yet the cultural differences of men’s understanding of companionship
stem from a simple fact. Companionship is not the same thing as prostitution. A prostitute sells sex. A companion sells time and company and operates only in the high end of the market. Women who sell sex, operate in the lower rungs of the market, and advertise as companions to mask selling sex call themselves escorts. Yet even this is confusing, because escort means the same thing as companion. But prostitutes hijacked the term escort because to be an escort is legal, but to be a prostitute is not legal everywhere.

It is clear that the British influence is strong here. That’s hardly surprising, as history has a lot to say for it. And we make history. So if these cultural differences in understanding companionship change over the years of my lifetime, I’ll update this article. Just like I update all articles on my blog as something of value to add to them comes to mind. In the meantime if you can add to this account of the cultural differences in men’s understanding of companionship or want company, let’s talk.

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