Why Having a Companion or Mistress is Healthy for a Man

Companion 4 Older Executives | 09 Mar 2022 - 07:47
Why Having a Companion or Mistress is Healthy for a Man

It might sound far fetched on first hearing. But it’s definitely true – and would make many a woman cringe. Having a companion or mistress is healthy for a man. Here’s why. 

Nature designed men to be promiscuous.
In the world of animals the males of many species impregnate a female, but don’t stay with her for life to raise the young and grow old. The males of some species leave the female immediately after impregnation and never come back. Males of other species openly mate with all the females in their herd. Men and males were put on this planet to further the species. In the world of modern humans this principle translates into several ways. 1. men who choose to stay with one woman all their lives seek variety in affairs with courtesans, paramours, or mistresses. 2. men leave the impregnated woman as soon as she announces pregnancy. 3. men go through several partnerships or marriages in life. Some men do it all: they have wives, girlfriends, lovers, and still even pay for sex.

But this male promiscuity is perfectly natural and healthy for their sex lives.
And women who refuse to accept this fact delude themselves. I don’t need the results of studies to tell me that staying with one sexual partner for life kills the magic of sex. It does, because good sex usually comprises unpredictability – an ingredient that inevitably evaporates over time when we have sex with one person all the time. To keep the magic in any relationship it’s important to have variety and a happy mental environment.

Therefore if a man has a companion, mistress, paramour, or lover while staying with one stable sexual partner, he makes a balancing act. An inevitable compromise that adds to his mental health. And look at the fact that in some cultures a man can have several wives. This is also an expression of this balancing act. Women are wired differently and usually prefer the opposite – one sexual partner for life. Hence women don’t need this balancing act. But men do.

Having a companion or mistress enriches.
Another reason why male promiscuity is healthy is that sex with different women will inevitably be different. This can inspire new practices that the man can take to his stable sexual partner and spice up his sex life with. And this will strengthen the quality and happiness of their relationship. If the man is not happy with something – usually money or sex – in his relationship, he will seek to redress the balance. The balancing act of having both a stable partner and a companion, paramour, lover, or mistress gives him healthy mental environment. And, of course, the countless physical health benefits of sex!

Are you a man who stumbled across this article and now wants a companion or mistress? Let’s talk. 

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